Franco Ruffini, Theatre and Boxing: The Actor Who Flies
Franco Ruffini

Theatre and Boxing: The Actor Who Flies

Translated by Paul Warrington, Icarus Publishing Enterprise [IJG1] and Routledge, 2014

This book tells the story of a revolution in the work of the actor during the early and mid-20th century, a period in which the focus of theatrical interest shifted from the emotions to the body.

No longer viewed as a means of performing a choreography of gestures designed to please the spectator, the actor’s body became a tool for purveying a dynamic set of actions which often transformed the actor himself. Some even went so far as to see this transformation at a spiritual level. Naturally, this new centrality of the body also drew attention to those places in which the body is central: the gym, the boxing ring, and the circus with its trapezes and tightropes became, together with the stage, ‘laboratories’ for the theatre.


Dariusz Kosiński, Grotowski. Profanacje
Peter Brook, Z Grotowskim. Teatr jest tylko formą
Ludwik Flaszen, Grotowski & Company. Źródła i wariacje
Tysiąc i jedna noc. Związki Odin Teatret z Polską
Peter Brook. Ku teatrowi pierwszemu
Zbigniew Osiński, Jerzy Grotowski’s Journeys to the East
Jerzy Grotowski, Teksty zebrane
Franco Ruffini, Theatre and Boxing: The Actor Who Flies
Grotowski – narracje
Spalić dom. Rodowód reżysera
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Ludwik Flaszen, Grotowski & Company
Słowacki/Grotowski. Rekontekstualizacje
Książę Niezłomny
Dariusz Kosiński, Grotowski. Przewodnik
Renata M. Molinari, Dziennik Teatru Źródeł. Polska 1980
Katarzyna Osińska, Jewgienij Wachtangow – co zostaje po artyście teatru?
Jerzy Grotowski, Ku teatrowi ubogiemu
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