Zygmunt Molik’s Voice and Body Work: The Legacy of Jerzy Grotowski
Giuliano Campo, Zygmunt Molik

Zygmunt Molik’s Voice and Body Work: The Legacy of Jerzy Grotowski

Routledge, London – New York 2011

One of the original members of Jerzy Grotowski’s acting company, Zygmunt Molik’s Voice and Body Work explores the unique development of voice and body exercises throughout his career in actor training.

This book, constructed from conversations between Molik and author Giuliano Campo, provides a fascinating insight into the methodology of this practitioner and teacher, and focuses on his ‘Body Alphabet’ system for actors, allowing them to combine both voice and body in their preparatory process.

The book is accompanied by a DVD containing the films Dyrygent (2006), which illustrates Molik’s working methods, Acting Therapy (1976), exploring his role in the Theatre of Participation, and Zygmunt Molik's Body Alphabet (2009). It also includes an extensive photo gallery documenting Zygmunt Molik’s life and work.


Wanda Świątkowska, Hamleci Jerzego Grotowskiego
Giuliano Campo, Zygmunt Molik, „Głos i Ciało"
Ludwik Flaszen, Grotowski & Company. Źródła i wariacje
Misterium zgrozy i urzeczenia. Przedstawienia Jerzego Grotowskiego i Teatru Labo
Podróż. Rena Mirecka – aktorka Teatru Laboratorium
Rena Mirecka. Teatr człowieczy. Maciej Stawiński: 30 fotografii z lat 1980–201
Gabriele Vacis, Awareness. Dziesięć dni z Jerzym Grotowskim
„Faust" J.W. Goethego na scenach polskich. Grotowski – Szajna – Jarocki
Od „Orfeusza” do „Studium o Hamlecie”. Teatr 13 Rzędów w Opo
Dominika Laster: Grotowski's Bridge Made of Memory: Embodied Memory, Witnessing
Zygmunt Molik’s Voice and Body Work: The Legacy of Jerzy Grotowski
François Kahn, Le jardin. Récits et réflexions sur le travail para-théâtral
La sacra canoa. Rena Mirecka dal Teatro Laboratorio di Jerzy Grotowski al. Parat