The post-taumatic theatre of Grotowski and Kantor. History and Holocaust in „Akr
Magda Romanska

The post-taumatic theatre of Grotowski and Kantor. History and Holocaust in „Akropolis” and „Dead Class”

with a Foreword by Kathleen Cioffi

Anthem Press, London – New Jork – Delhi 2012


Despite its international influence, Polish theatre remains a mystery to many Westerners. The Post-traumatic Theatre of Grotowski and Kantor attempts to fill in various gaps in English-language scholarship by offering a historical and critical analysis of two of the most influential works of Polish theatre: Jerzy Grotowski’s Akropolis and Tadeusz Kantor’s Dead Class. By examining each director’s representation of Auschwitz, this study provides a new understanding of how translating national trauma through the prism of performance can alter and deflect the meaning and reception of theatrical works, both inside and outside their cultural and historical contexts.


Jerzy Grotowski, Teksty zebrane
Otwarty Uniwersytet Poszukiwań
Praktyki Teatralne Wsiewołoda Meyerholda
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The post-taumatic theatre of Grotowski and Kantor. History and Holocaust in „Akr
Grotowski, Woman and Contemporary Performance. Meetings with Remarkable Women
Zła pamięć. Przeciw-historia w polskim teatrze i dramacie
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L’anthropologie théâtrale selon Jerzy Grotowski
Jerzy Grotowski. Miradas desde Latinoamérica
Grotowski. Konceptet, myten og skuespillerne
Aktor. Animator twórczych procesów
Pasja 20, 21. Powroty Chrystusa
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Spalić dom. Rodowód reżysera
Teatr i teatrologia. Podstawowe pytania
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Zygmunt Molik’s Voice and Body Work: The Legacy of Jerzy Grotowski
Ludwik Flaszen, Grotowski & Company