Timeline of Jerzy Grotowski’s life and creative work


11 August 1933

Venue: Rzeszów

Jerzy Grotowski is born as the second child (following his brother Kazimierz, b. 26 January 1930) of Marian and Emilia née Kozłowska.

In creating this timeline, the following existing partial timelines were primarily used:

Adela Karsznia: ‘Kalendarium Teatru Laboratorium’ (Timeline of the Laboratory Theatre), [in:] idem.: Teatr Laboratorium 1965–1970, doctoral thesis typescript, Wrocław 2009, pp. 15–176.

Zbigniew Osiński: ‘Aneksy’, [in:] idem.: Grotowski i jego Laboratorium (Grotowski and his Laboratory), Warsaw 1980, pp. 357–380.

Zbigniew Osiński: ‘Kronika działalności twórczej Jerzego Grotowskiego i jej recepcji (1986–1992) (Chronicle of the creative work of Jerzy Grotowski and its reception), [in:] idem.: Grotowski wytycza trasy. Studia i szkice, [Grotowski leads the way: Studies and essays] Warsaw 1993, pp. 313–343.

Zbigniew Osiński: Teatr „13 Rzędów” i Teatr Laboratorium „13 Rzędów” Opole 1959–1964. Kronika – bibliografia (The Theatre of 13 Rows and the 13 Rows Laboratory Theatre), Opole 1997.

Zbigniew Osiński: ‘Występy gościnne Teatru Laboratorium 1959–1984. Kronika działalności 1978–1984’ (Guest and touring performances by the Laboratory Theatre. Chronology of its activities.), Pamiętnik Teatralny Nos 1–4: 2000 (193–196), pp. 627–690.

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: ‘Jerzy Grotowski: kalendarium (1982–14 January 1999)’, [in:] idem.: Guślarz i eremita. Jerzy Grotowski od wykładów rzymskich (1982) do wykładów paryskich (1997–1998), (The sorcerer and the hermit: Jerzy Grotowski from the Rome lectures to the Paris lectures) Wrocław 2007, pp. 354–385.