About encyclopedia


The idea to create Encyclopedia.Grotowski was publicly articulated during the Year of Grotowski closing conference held at the Institute of Polish Culture in Warsaw. It was proposed by Ludwik Flaszen, who argued that the achievements of Jerzy Grotowski and his collaborators, the abundance and range of contexts in which they are or should be placed, and the number of people and phenomena associated with them are so great that they cannot be encompassed and organized without an encyclopaedic-type publication.

Concurring with this line of reasoning, and seeking to create a modern dynamic tool and source of knowledge, the Grotowski Institute undertook to create an online publication called Encyclopedia.Grotowski, including not only encyclopedic entries, but also varying-length articles written in a different tone as well as illustrations in the form of photographs, audio recordings and videos.

The encyclopedia’s entries are listed alphabetically; each includes a bibliography and a number of cross-references to other entries, illustrations and further reading lists. Each entry is linked to other resources of grotowski.net and can serve as a portal to the Grotowski constellation.

As the constellation is constantly expanding, with new critiques and interpretations being added, Encyclopedia.Grotowski will be open and dynamic. Starting with basic entries, written mostly by the editorial team, the Encyclopedia will be gradually expanded with contributions from noted experts and, we hope, our readers. Using the tab Add Entry, each user can submit a proposed entry. The editorial team reserves the right to make a final decision on whether to accept the entry or not, and to consult its final form.

Another tab, Submit Comment, enables users to propose additions to existing entries and to submit corrections. All such suggestions are greatly appreciated; a list of their authors will be published in the pages of the Encyclopedia.

Editorial Team: Sylwia Fiałkiewicz and Dariusz Kosiński

Translation: Paul Vickers

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